Latino Farm Care Services
Coryl-sp is a very good product which reduces mortality in day old chicks. I recommend it to other farmers for respiratory disease. It is also very effective for coryza.
Doefy Vet Services
Coccidiosis is a common fowl disease in Nigeria. With the formulation and arrival of Coccifor in the market by BNSL, we are able to tackle and solve the problem related to Coccidiosis. So, I boldly recommend Coccifor for poultry farmers.
Solace Feedmill
Coryl-sp is a multi-dimensional and very efficient drug in poultry. It is a very good product and works efficiently in curing coryza. It is an efficient antibiotic and multivitamin. I recommend it 100%.
Poultry Support Veterinary Services
I make use of Coryl-sp and Bio-Vitastress and they are effective. My advice to other customers is for it to be utilized in tackling any form of coryza and prevention or treatment in birds or poultry.
George Veterinary Services
I have used Coryl-sp and Bio-Sel in my poultry and can attest to the efficiency of Bio-Sel in prevention of easy egg breakage, increase in hatchability, and egg enhancement quality.
Good Shepherd Veterinary Services
Bio-Vitastress is the best vitamin and anti-stress I have used so far. The smell attracts birds so much and as well arrest any form of stress in the poultry farm. I recommend Bio-Vitastress for any form of stress in both large and small animals.